Experienced, innovative, & effective Marketing & Analytics Leader focused on driving measurable results

On this site you will find information about my background and how I have helped numerous companies exceed their growth and retention goals.   I look forward to hearing from you.

Kaenan Hertz



Marketing & Analytics Leader focused on driving measurable results. Possess leadership skills that capitalize on using innovative sophisticated online and offline quantitative analytics to drive customer acquisition, retention, deepening, engagement and profit growth. Effective presenter with regular exposure to C-suite and Board of Directors.  Proven record of consistently improving marketing performance and revenue while containing costs by implementing CRM technologies, developing unique approaches to conducting campaigns, analyzing performance, creating meaningful marketing segments and databases, and providing insight by assessing the market and competition.

About Kaenan Hertz, PhD


Strategic Planning

-Corporate planning and
  goal setting

-Competitive Intelligence
  and Threat Assessments

-Board of Director

Database Marketing

-Creating multi-channel
  marketing campaigns

-List optimization and

-Executing and analyzing
  7K+ campaigns/year

Customer Knowledge

-Creating centralized
  Voice of the Customer
  Centers & CRM Systems

-Developing Segmentation

-Market Research, Brand, and
  Satisfaction tracking

Download my resumehttp://www.lulustar.com/resources/kaenan_hertz_resume.pdfhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/khertzshapeimage_5_link_0
Connect with me on LinkedInhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/khertzhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/khertzshapeimage_6_link_0

Professional Involvement
-Measures and Metrics Standards Task force, 
  The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
-Direct Marketing Association:  iDirect Leadership Committee
-Finalist Judge, The DMA International ECHO Awards Competition
-Member, ECHO Academy of Direct Marketing Arts & Sciences